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Serious Games Presentation With “A Taste Of” Game Play

Via: VizThink 

Who are visual thinkers? Visual thinkers are people who use graphic design, images, pictures, video, animations, sketches, games, and other forms of visual art for communications and learning. Visual thinkers share the same philosophy in the power of visualization for learning and communication.

VizThink will bring together several hundred participants from the industry to VizThink Conference 2008, to be held in Sao Francisco, on January 27-29, aspiring to create “a visual thinking community” that can take the industry to a new level. 

Serious Games Presentation With “A Taste Of Games” 

Browsing SlideShare latest uploads, I came across the above one produced by Tom Crawford - CEO, VIZTHINK. Tom Crawford made 3 presentations at the Brandon-Hall Conference – Innovations in Learning, held on September 24-26, in Santa Clara, California,
Serious Games Present & Future being one of them (conference track “Learning Games”). What has really touched about this presentation: it embeds most of the visual arts disciplines:

  • Moving beyond bullet points... using storytelling for presentations
  • Aligning individuals using visualization
  • Facilitation using photographs
  • Creating a global visual language
  • Organizing your world with visuals
  • Using visuals for powerful presentations
And in doing so, it brings us “a taste of” game play.