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Serious Games Partnership: Global Kids, Unicef and Microsoft

As anticipated on my September post Serious Games Launch - Ayiti: The Cost of Life All Set , Playing 4 Keeps (P4K) -- the innovative youth media project that involves a team of Global Kids youth leaders at South Shore High School in Brooklyn, New York, USA -- launched a new game on the general topic of poverty as an obstacle to education, with Haiti as a case study for the game.

Global Kids achieves another breakthrough with this brand new social advocacy game. Can you manage the cost of life? What is it like to live in poverty, struggling every day to stay healthy, keep out of debt, and get educated?

Find out now in this challenging role playing game created by Global Kids and Gamelab, in which you take responsibility for a family of five in rural Haiti.

Partnership Framework

In 2005, because of its innovative work in youth-developed online games, Global Kids was fortunate to have been selected as one of eleven organizations supported by Microsoft's Partners in Learning Mid-Tier Initiative, which seeks to identify and encourage "pockets of innovation" for increasing digital literacy and career readiness. Ayiti: The Cost of Life is the first game produced through Microsoft's support.

This year, based on their research and their own knowledge of critical global issues and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international covenants, Playing 4 Keeps participants chose Haiti as a setting for the game. UNICEF's Voices of Youth site played a key role preparing the Global Kids Leaders to decide the topic for the game while UNICEF's Child Alert: Haiti site helped inform them about the specifics about youth and education in Haiti. Global Kids works now with UNICEF as a premiere partner hosting the game.